A live-action drama adaptation of My Dress-Up Darling, based on Shinichi Fukuda’s cosplay-themed romantic comedy manga series, is set to premiere in Japan on October 8, 2024. The official website for the MBS and TBS’s “Dramaism” block announced the news today. 20-year-old Kota Nomura is cast as Wakana Gojo. This is his first leading role in a terrestrial drama series. 22-year-old Riko Nagase plays the main heroine, Marin Kitagawa.
Cast visual
“In the original manga story, there is Marin, who is innocent and cheerful and has her own core, and Wakana, who is shy but serious, pure-hearted, and just tries his best,” said Nomura. “The pure and naive interaction between the two, who have different personalities but are both dedicated to what they love, was extremely cute, funny, and made my heart pound. I was also able to feel the importance of admitting that I like what I like. I would like to make the drama My Dress-Up Darling a wonderful work for everyone, so I hope you will warmly watch over it!””When I first read the original manga story, I was impressed by the straightforwardness of Wakana and the charm of Marin,” added Nagase. “When I met with the director, he told me that he wanted to emphasize the distance between the two. I would like to carefully depict how these two people, who at first glance seem to be opposites but have some similarities, change through cosplay. Marine may look flashy on the outside, but I hope to enjoy playing her, a wonderful girl with a sensitive heart inside. Her cosplay hair makeup and costume are very glamorous, so please look forward to the broadcast!”
Wakana Gojo played by Kouta Nomura
Marin Katagawa played by Riko Nagase
The original My Dress-Up Darling manga is serialized in Square Enix’s Young Gangan manga magazine since January 2018, with 13 tankobon volumes released to date.The TV anime adaptation of My Dress-Up Darling aired for 12 episodes from January to March 2022, with Keisuke Shinohara directing at CloverWorks. Crunchyroll streamed the series as it aired in Japan. As previously reported in September 2022, a sequel has been in the works.Crunchyroll describes the series:
Wakana Gojo is a high school boy who wants to become a kashirashi–a master craftsman who makes traditional Japanese Hina dolls. Though he’s gung-ho about the craft, he knows nothing about the latest trends, and has a hard time fitting in with his class. The popular kids–especially one girl, Marin Kitagawa–seem like they live in a completely different world.That all changes one day, when she shares an unexpected secret with him, and their completely different worlds collide.
Source: “Dramaism” official website / X (formerly Twitter)©”My Dress-Up Darling” Production Committe, MBS