Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions, an ongoing TV anime based on the mystery manga by Akira Amano, has revealed a new piece of key art (below). The series returns to Japanese TV for a second season beginning on October 7, 2024, and Crunchyroll will also stream it as part of the fall 2024 anime simulcast lineup.
Shueisha serializes the original Ron Kamonohashi manga in their Shonen Jump+ digital manga magazine. MANGA PLUS also publishes an English language version under the title Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective. Shota Ihata directs the TV anime at animation studio Diomedéa. Wataru Watari provides the series composition, Masakazu Ishikawa provides the character designs, and Yo Tsuji provides the music.
Crunchyroll describes Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions:
Ron Kamonohashi was once regarded as a genius at the top detective training academy. But after a fatal mistake, he was expelled and forbidden to become a detective. Years later, police officer Totomaru Isshiki knocks on Ron’s door seeking help on a serial murder case. He finds Ron, now a messy-haired recluse, who agrees. Together, this mismatched detective team begins solving their first mystery!
Source: Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions on X (formerly Twitter)