Ahead of the anime’s ninth episode broadcast, the official website and accounts for No Longer Allowed in Another World today announced the additions of Yutaka Aoyama and Katsuyuki Okitsu to the cast as Saito and Toru, respectively.
Based on the manga by Hiroshi Noda and Takahiro Takamatsu, No Longer Allowed in Another World is directed by Shigeki Kawai (Uncle from Another World) at studio Atelier Pontdarc, with series composition by Yasuhiro Nakanishi, character designs by Tomoshige Inayoshi and Asako Inayoshi and music by Kenichiro Suehiro (The Eminence in Shadow).
Crunchyroll is simulcasting the anime and describes the story:
Pulled into an otherworldly adventure with cute sidekicks and superpowers, you’d think Osamu hit the jackpot. Nope! From a time before pixels, the early 20th-century gloomy author just wants to find a quiet place to meet his maker, not to rack up XP. Sadly, his poetic demise is constantly thwarted by inconvenient heroics. Dive into the hilariously tragic life of the most reluctant hero!
Source: Comic Natalie