Inazuma Eleven the Movie 2025, a new anime film from the football-themed multimedia franchise Inazuma Eleven created by Level-5, will open in theaters across Japan on December 27, 2024. The film’s teaser site has launched, releasing a trailer below.
Inazuma Eleven the Movie 2025 consists of two parts: Eiga Inazuma Eleven Soshuhen: Densetsu no Kickoff (“Movie Inazuma Eleven Compilation: Legendary Kickoff”) revolves around the matches in the “Football Frontier Arc,” which was depicted in the first Inazuma Eleven TV anime series. The four original voice cast members — Junko Takeuchi as Mamoru Endo, Hirofumi Nojima as Shuya Goenji, Hiroyuki Yoshino as Yuto Kidou, and Yuko Sanpei as Aphrodi — are listed on the site. Gekijouban Inazuma Eleven: Aratanaru Eiyu-tachi no Josho (“Inazuma Eleven the Movie: Prologue of The New Heroes”) tells a prologue to the story of Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road, the latest installment in the game series. MAPPA, which worked on the anime part in the game, will be in charge of anime production of the film. The game’s cast members — Sho Komura as Unmei Sasanami, Moe Konoma as Haru Endo, and Yohei Azakami as Jouji Sakurazaki — are confirmed to reprise their roles in the film.
Main visual
Source: “Inazuma Eleven the Movie 2025” official website, “Inazuma Eleven” official X (formerly Twitter)©LEVEL5 / FC Inazuma Eleven, TV Tokyo
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