Nothing is worth living for more than an adorable puppy. The anime adaptation of Rie Nishida’s Tono to Inu (Lord and Dog) retired samurai manga released a brand new trailer today, revealing an October 10 premiere date for the first episode of the first version of the series. The other versions will be broadcast over the week following the first episode.
Tono to Inu TV Anime Trailer
As mentioned, the series will have multiple versions, based on the previously announced four cast members. Starting with the Akio Otsuka (Batou in Ghost in The Shell) WanWan! version on October 10, followed by the Tomokazu Sugita (Gintoki Sakata in Gintama) PotePote! version on October 11, the Shunsuke Takeuchi (Alexander Yamato in KING OF PRISM) KonKon! version on October 12 and finally the Masaki Aiba (a member of the male idol group Arashi) MofuMofu! version on October 13. They will all be voicing the titular Lord in Tono to Inu.
Haruki Kasugamori directs the Tono to Inu anime adaptation at OLM × Live2D Creative Studio with Shun Miyazaki on music and Noriyoshi Konuma as the sound director.
The manga first ran for four chapters on Flex Comix’s web manga site Comic Polaris in March 2021. After a favorable reception, serialization began in October 2021. Three collected volumes have been released in Japan so far, with the fourth volume set to be released on October 15, 2024.
The story is set in Japan’s Warring States period. It follows Tono, a man who was once a fearful god on the battlefield but has fallen into poverty and is now living in a tenement house, and a dog that he picks up despite his inadequate daily life. Tono is pushed around by the dog, who does not listen to him and spends its time freely and unrestrainedly.
Source: Comic Natalie