The official website for the upcoming TV anime adaptation of Mayu Murata’s Honey Lemon Soda romance manga series today announced four additional voice cast members. As previously reported, Kana Ichinose (Suletta Mercury in Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury) has already been cast as the main heroine Uka Ishimori and Shogo Yano (Mafuyu Sato in given) as her love interest, Kai Miura.
Serina Kanno voiced by Rie Takahashi (Megumin in KONOSUBA -God’s blessing on this wonderful world!)Comments from Takahashi:
For both Uka-chan and the readers, I am sure that Serina-chan is very admirable and natural. I would like to carefully weave together the sparkle of what would be wonderful if there were such a Serina-chan, while also cherishing her own feelings.
Ayumi Endo voiced by Miyari Nemoto (Sazanka in In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki)Comments from Nemoto:
My first impression of Ayumi was that she is a kind and nice girl who takes words straight and chews them carefully one by one before giving them back to the other person. I wondered how I could play such a “good girl” in anyone’s eyes…? I felt such a little pressure, but I will do my best to express Ayumi’s straightforwardness and the charm that I newly found in playing her!
Tomoya Takamine voiced by Shunichi Toki (Ruka Saotome in Vampire Dormitory)Comments from Toki:
I am very honored to be a part of “Honey Lemon Soda”! We have carefully created their story, which is sweet and refreshingly bouncy, one scene at a time. We hope you enjoy the animation.
Satoru Seto voiced by Taku Yashiro (Kasha in The Demon Prince of Momochi House)Comments from Yashiro:
I had the opportunity to read the original manga and was captivated by the world that this work colors. As the title suggests, it is not only sweet but also stimulating, and the stimulation is sometimes bitter, sometimes sad, sometimes refreshing, and sometimes courageous…. I hope you enjoy those different flavors of emotions in the anime as well.
The TV anime Honey Lemon Soda is is set to premiere on Fuji TV’s “+Ultra” programming block in January 2025.The TV anime’s main staff includes:
Director: Hiroshi Nishikori (A Certain Magical Index, IDOLiSH7 the Movie LIVE 4bit BEYOND THE PERIOD)
Series composition: Akiko Waba (Blue Reflection Ray)
Character Design: Aimi Tanaka (Sugar Apple Fairy Tail)
Music: Akira Kosemura
Animation Production: J.C.STAFF
Yen Press releases the English version of the manga, and describes the series:
Middle school left Uka Ishimori with nothing but scars—to the point where she’s forgotten how to laugh or cry or even say “hello.” But a chance reencounter with a boy with lemon-colored hair invigorates her, giving her hope that maybe, just maybe, life can be that much sweeter if she finally reaches out for help.
Key visual
Source: “Honey Lemon Soda” TV anime official website / X (formerly Twitter)©Mayu Murata/SHUEISHA・Honey Lemon Soda Production Committee.