An anime adaptation is in the works for the Romelia Senki: Maou wo Taoshita Ato mo Jinrui Yabasou dakara Guntai Soshiki shita novels, as revealed with the release of the latest volume of the manga adaptation. The series—written by Ryo Ariyama and illustrated by Ryo Kamito–has also surpassed 400,000 copies in circulation, so MAGCOMI is holding a lottery for autographed copies of the latest volume to celebrate.Further details about the anime adaptation have yet to be announced.
Featuring character designs by Kodama, Romelia Senki started as a web novel before being published via the Gagaga Bunko imprint with illustrations by Ryo Kamito, who also handles the manga adaptation’s art. The manga is available via Mag Garden’s MAGCOMI site. The story follows Romelia, whose prince fiancé breaks off their engagement after the defeat of the Demon King. Romelia’s homeland remains infested with the Demon King’s forces, so now it’s up to her to return, raise an army, and march into battle with her unique power of luck at her side. Source: Official MAGCOMI X (formerly Twitter) account