The anime adaptation of Shinobu Takayama’s fantasy manga Haigakura announced today that the series will be premiering on October 7, 2024. To celebrate the announcement, the first character trailer for the series was released, looking at the main duo Ichiyo, voiced by Takeo Otsuka (Jinshi in The Apothecary Diaries) and Tenko, who is voiced by Kaito Ishikawa (Naofumi Iwatani in The Rising of the Shield Hero).
Haigakura Anime – Ichiyo and Tenko Character Trailer
Junichi Yamamoto (Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion) directs Haigakura at studio TYPHOON GRAPHICS, with series composition by Yu Murai, character designs by Masaki Sato (Record of Ragnarok) and music by Yuki Kurihara (Blue Orchestra).
The story of Haigakura takes place in Senkai, the sacred other world where immortals and humans live. Senkai is on the verge of collapse, so Ichiyou – a warrior-poet – uses a technique called Kessai to capture the gods who have been scattered all over the world, while Tenkou, Ichiyou’s follower, searches for the four evil gods who hold the key to restoring the world.
Source: Haigakura on X (formerly Twitter)