Beyblade X, the latest animated entry in the long-running Beyblade mixed media franchise, is entering a new story arc beginning on October 18, 2024, and now new key art (below) and new information about the new theme songs for the series have been revealed.
L’Arc-en-Ciel performs the new opening theme song for the series, which is entitled “YOU GOTTA RUN”. Perfume performes the new ending theme song for the series, which is entitled “Cosmic Treat”.
Beyblade X key art
Shogakukan publishes the original Beyblade X manga with story by Homura Kawamoto and Hikaru Muno and art by Posuka Demizu in their CoroCoro Comic manga magazine. Viz Media is also developing an English language version of the series. Katsuhito Akiyama and Sotsu Terada direct the TV anime at animation studio OLM Team Masuda. Kazuho Hyodo provides the series composition, Yoshihiro Nagamori provides the character designs, and Sebastian Robertson provides the music.
Disney XD describes Beyblade X:
Amateur Blader Robin Kazami finds himself out of a team when his friends ditch him after a crushing defeat. Lucky for him, a chance encounter with former champ Jaxon Cross leads these two unlikely teammates to join forces. Jaxon intends to climb back to the top of The X under the alias “Blader X” and challenge his old teammate and current champ, Khrome Ryugu. When they find a third team member in mega-popular influencer Multi Nana-iro, the newly formed Team Persona set their sights on going pro and claiming their spot at the top.
Source: Official Beyblade X TV anime home page