The official website for the Captain Earth anime series announced the launch of the 10th anniversary project on September 13, and posted a celebratory illustration newly drawn by the original character designer, Fumi Minato. In the visual, the anime’s four main characters — Daichi Manatsu, Daichi, Teppei arashi, Hana Mutou, and Akari Yomatsuri — are celebrating the 10th anniversary with balloons and crackers.
Additionally, the “Captain Earth Memorial Blu-ray Box” will be released on January 29, 2025. The 30,800-yen (219USD) box will include a newly-drawn jacket and a special booklet. The jacket design will be revealed at a later date.The anime will be rebroadcast all 25 episodes at once over September 15(episode 1-13) and 16 (episode 14-25) on the Japanese animation satellite television network Animax. And, there are a plan to stream a whole series of the anime on YouTube in the future.
The Captain Earth TV anime, produced by BONES, aired for 25 episodes in Japan from April to September 2014. Sentai Filmworks, which licensed the anime in North America, describes the story:
With memories of his father’s inexplicable death still haunting him, Daichi follows a mysterious rainbow to his childhood home Tanegashima Island to investigate. As Daichi delves deeper into the mystery of his father’s death, a strange encounter with an unusual girl plunges him into the middle of a battle! Now, if he wants to protect the world, Daichi must become the pilot of the Earth Engine – a giant robot that only a “Captain” can pilot.
“Captain Earth” anime key visual
Source: “Captain Earth” anime official website / X (formerly Twitter) ©BONES/CAPTAIN EARTH COMMITEE, MBS