According to an official post by original manga author Chikyu no Osakana Ponchan on social media, josei manga Kirio Fanclub is receiving an anime adaptation and a live-action drama adaptation. Aside from an image celebrating the announcements (below), at the time of this writing no further details (such as the staff, the cast, or the release date) have been revealed for the productions.
Jitsugyou no Nihonsha serializes the original Kirio Fanclub in their Comic Ruelle manga magazine, and five collected volumes have been published for the series so far in Japan, with the sixth volume hitting Japanese bookstores on September 19, 2024. The story of the series follows Aimi Miyoshi and Nami Sometani, a pair of high school girls who are friends, classmates and also self-proclaimed rivals for the affection of Kirio, a boy in their class who doesn’t realize that they have a crush on him.
Source: Chikyu no Osakana Ponchan on X (formerly Twitter)