Loner Life in Another World, an upcoming TV anime based on the isekai fantasy light novel series, has revealed a wealth of new information, including a new trailer, new key art (below) and ten additional cast members. The series will broadcast in Japan beginning on October 3, 2024, and it will also stream in the United States on HIDIVE.
The new cast members include:
Shield Girl voiced by Nozomi Furuki
Student Library Assistant voiced by Haruna Terada
Handicrafts Club Girl voiced by Mami Uchida
Cooking Club Girl voiced by Arisa Nakada
Tanaka voiced by Shota Hayama
Angelica voiced by Saori Hayami
Meriel voiced by Aguri Onishi
Gatek voiced by Shohei Yamaguchi
Ofuta voiced by Atsushi Imaruoka
Guild Leader voiced by Tetsu Inada
The original Loner Life in Another World novels are written by Shoji Goji, illustrated by booota and Saku Enomaru, and published by Overlap under their Overlap Bunko imprint. Seven Seas Entertainment also publishes an English language version. Akio Kazumi directs the TV anime at animation studios HAYABUSA FILM and Passione with production cooperation from FRONTIER ENGINE. Kenta Ihara provides the series composition, Keiya Nakano provides the character designs, and Shuji Katayama provides the music.
Loner Life in Another World key art
HIDIVE describes Loner Life in Another World:
After getting isekai’d into another world with his entire high school class, “God” offers Haruka and his peers their choice of special powers so they can become fantasy heroes. But Haruka accidentally missed the power selection period, and now he’s stuck with the leftover abilities his classmates refused to take! Seemingly underpowered, he makes use of his unwanted skills to live a (surprisingly comfortable) life as a lone wolf…but his classmates soon learn their “superior” abilities aren’t as great as they’re cracked up to be, and Haruka may have to come to their rescue using ingenuity, creativity, and the leftover powers his classmates once snubbed.
Source: Official Loner Life in Another World home page