A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School!, an upcoming TV anime based on the supernatural comedy manga by Mai Tanaka, has revealed two new cast members for the series. The series will broadcast in Japan beginning on October 8, 2024.
The new cast members include:
Amaaki Abe voiced by Gakuto Kajiwara (Kai in Sasaki and Peeps)
Gakuto Kajiwara and Amaaki Abe
Isaburou Ebisu voiced by Ryohei Kimura (Shinsuke in Sengoku Youko)
Ryohei Kimura and Isaburou Ebisu
Square Enix serializes the original A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! manga in their Monthly G Fantasy shonen manga magazine. Yen Press also publishes an English language version. Katsumi Ono directs the TV anime at animation studio Satelight. Deko Akao provides the series composition, Natsuki provides the character designs, and Takahiro Inafuku provides the music.
A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! key art
Yen Press describes A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School!:
Rookie teacher Haruaki Abe is as cowardly as they come. It’s hard enough for him to handle human students without whimpering-and now he’s going to be teaching at a school full of monsters?! It’s a classroom of horrors for Haruaki, as his mischievous students use every means at their disposal to prank him! Will this poor teacher be able to get his group of ghouls under control, or is this class destined for failure?
Source: Official A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! TV anime home page