Magilumiere Co. Ltd., an upcoming TV anime based on the magical girl satire manga written by Sekka Iwata and illustrated by Yu Aoki, has revealed two new cast members and an additional “company poster” promotional image (below). The series will broadcast in Japan beginning on October 4, 2024, and it will also stream in worldwide markets on Amazon Prime Video.
The new cast members include:
Lily Aoi voiced by Kaori Ishihara (Shiena Amamiya in Love Is Indivisible by Twins)
Lily Aoi character art
Miyako Asou voiced by Kikuko Inoue (Ukai-sensei in My Deer Friend Nokotan)
Miyako Asou character art
Miyakodo “company poster” art
Shueisha publishes the original Magilumier Co. Ltd. manga in the Shonen Jump+ digital manga magazine. Manga Plus publishes an English language version of the series in digital form, with Viz Media publishing an English language version in print under the title Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc.. Masahiro Hiraoka directs the TV anime at animation studios MOE and J.C.STAFF. Shingo Nagai provides the series composition and scripts, Hidehiro Asama and Masahiro Fujii provide the character designs, and Makoto Miyzaki provides the music.
Viz Media describes the series:
Kana Sakuragi is an excellent candidate for the job. Any job! She’s motivated and organized, and has a fantastic memory. So why has she interviewed at over 15 companies without receiving a single offer? She’s trying to keep a positive attitude, but it seems like her bad luck is only getting worse when a monster crashes her latest interview. As havoc ensues, she finds herself helping the magical girl who comes to their rescue and ends up with more than just her life in return. Meet the newest magical girl at Magilumiere Magical Girls Inc.!
Source: Official Magilumier Co. Ltd. TV anime home page