The anime adaptation of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is preparing to team up with fashion brand Graniph for a third collab. This time, Stardust Crusaders and Stone Ocean take the spotlight in a collection of 13 pieces of fashionable street wear.
Stardust Crusaders fans can amp up their wardrobe with hoodies, sweaters, bags and more. The items feature everyone from Iggy and the Oingo Boingo brothers to DIO himself:
The highlight of the Stone Ocean half of the collab is this Green Dolphin St. Jail jacket, featuring a logo on the back and DISCs strewn across the lining:
Check out the full collection on the Graniph website.
Pre-orders for all items in the collection are open from now until September 30, with the collection officially going on sale October 1.
Crunchyroll currently streams the first five seasons of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, describing the first season thus:
In ancient Mexico, people of Aztec had prospered. They had historic and strange “Stone Mask”. It was a miraculous mask which brings eternal life and the power of authentic ruler. But the mask suddenly disappeared.
A long time after that, in late 19th centuries when the thought and life of people were suddenly changing, Jonathan Joestar met with Dio Brando―. They spend time together through boyhood to youth, and the “Stone Mask” brings curious fate to them―.
Source: Graniph Online Store