The Stories of Girls Who Couldn’t Be Magicians anime, based on the novels Yuzuki Akasaka, will be premiering in a few weeks and to prep us for the school-based fantasy story, Kadokawa released a new character trailer today focused on Yuzu Edel, the daughter of a rich family who has produced magicians for generations, and is voiced by Misuzu Yamada (Michela McFarlane in Reign of the Seven Spellblades).
The Stories of Girls Who Couldn’t Be Magicians – Yuzu Edel Character Trailer
Masato Matsune (Reign of the Seven Spellblades) directs the series at J.C. STAFF with Takashi Watanabe (Shakugan no Shana) as chief director, Hiroko Kanasugi (Drug Store in Another World) writing the series composition, Mai Matsuura drawing the character designs and music composed by Yoko Shimomura (Legend of Manga -The Teardrop Crystal-). The series is part of the Project ANIMA initiative and is set to premiere on October 4.
Crunchyroll has announced The Stories of Girls Who Couldn’t Be Magicians as part of its Fall 2024 line-up, describing the series as such;
At Letran Magic Academy, two unlikely friends share one dream: to become magicians. Kurumi is an average girl who’s a bit naive, while Yuzu is the distinguished daughter of a noble magician family. They need to get into a special magician training class, but they fail the entrance exam! All hope seems lost until mysterious homeroom teacher Minami Suzuki arrives, and their luck takes a sudden turn.
Source: Kadokawa Anime on YouTube