Blue Miburo, an upcoming TV anime based on the historical fiction manga by Tsuyoshi Yasuda, released a new second trailer today ahead of the show’s October 19 premiere. The series also published a new piece of key art for the anime.The new trailer features the opening theme song of the anime titled “Blue” performed by SPYAIR.
Kodansha serializes the original manga by Tsuyoshi Yasuda in their Weekly Shonen Magazine publication since 2021, with 14 volumes released in Japan to date. Kodansha USA also publishes an English-language version of the series under the title The Blue Wolves of Mibu.Kumiko Habara directs the TV anime at studio MAHO FILM. Kenta Ihara provides the series composition, Yuko Oba and Miyako Nishida provide the character designs and Yuki Hayashi provides the music.
Blue Miburo key art
Kodansha USA describes the series:
Nio is an orphan who can’t help dreaming of a better world. In this action-packed manga, he meets two men who show him how much a few swords can change history. This riveting samurai series from the acclaimed creator of Days shares its setting with Rurouni Kenshin and chronicles the founding of the Shinsengumi by handsome and volatile men fighting for justice…and for themselves!
Source: Official Blue Miburo TV anime home page