Blue Box, an upcoming TV anime based on the romantic comedy / sports manga of the same name, has revealed three additional cast members for the series. The series will broadcast in Japan beginning on October 3, 2024, and it will also stream on Netflix. The new cast members include:
Ryosuke Nishida voiced by Shogo Sakata (Jun Shirosaki in Love is Indivisible by Twins)
Ryosuke Nishida character art
Nagisa Funami voiced by Anna Nagase (Youki in `Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess)
Nagisa Funami character art
Niina Shimazaki voiced by Asaki Yuikawa (Hojo Tokiyuki in The Elusive Samurai)
Niina Shimazaki character art
Shueisha serializes the original Blue Box manga by Kouji Miura in their Weekly Shonen Jump manga magazine. Viz Media also publishes an English language version. Yuichiro Yano directs the anime adaptation as Telecom Animation Film. Yuko Kakihara provides the series composition and Miho Tanino provides the character designs.
Blue Box key art
TMS Entertainment describes Blue Box:
Do these sports-crossed lovers have a chance?
Taiki Inomata loves badminton, but he has a long way to go before he can reach nationals. When Taiki sees upperclassman Chinatsu Kano practicing her heart out on the girls’ basketball team, he falls for her hard. After an unexpected turn of events brings the two closer together, sports might not be the first thing on their minds anymore!
Source: Official Blue Box TV anime home page