ME & ROBOCO, the anime adaptation based on the comedy manga by Shuhei Miyazaki, is heading to Japanese theaters in an all-new film on April 18, 2025, and now a new piece of “super teaser” art has been revealed for the movie, featuring Roboco assuming a very familiar pose from an entirely different manga.
Shueishia serializes the original Me & Roboco manga in their Weekly Shonen Jump manga magazine. Viz Media also publishes an English language version of the series. Akitaro Daichi directs both the ME & ROBOCO TV anime and the upcoming ME & ROBOCO film at animation studio Gallop.
Crunchyroll describes ME & ROBOCO:
Ten-year-old Bondo has always dreamt of owning a cute robot maid. They’re beautiful, sweet, and graceful servants. But when he finally gets his hands on one, she’s not what he expected. Roboco is twice the size of other maids, twice as strong, and twice as weird! Something’s off about this robot. Can Bondo and his friends figure out her secret?
Source: ME & ROBOCO on X (formerly Twitter)