Since 2013, Yuu Shimizu’s manga Rokuhodo Yotsuiro Biyori has been serialized in seinen magazine Go Go Bunch, and has gone on to receive both an anime adaptation and a live-action series. This November, fans of Shimizu’s work can immerse themselves in the series’s cozy worldview at Shimizu’s upcoming solo art exhibition.
Yuu Shimizu Special Exhibition: Rokuhodo Yotsuiro Biyori -home- will showcase original artwork, manga manuscripts and more. A photo spot will also be available for visiting fans, featuring the newly-released key visual for the event:
Sample artwork to be featured at the exhibition
Junichi Suwabe, who played tea house owner Sui in Yotsuiro Biyori, has also recorded new voice lines welcoming visitors to the event.
Yuu Shimizu Special Exhibition: Rokuhodo Yotsuiro Biyori -home- will take place November 9-24, 2024 at Tokyo’s Vanilla Gallery. Tickets go on sale November 2.
Source: Vanilla Gallery Website