The official website for the upcoming live-action film adaptation of Hatsuharu’s romantic comedy manga series A Girl & Her Guard Dog today announced that the film is set to open in Japan on March 14, 2025. Keiichi Kobayashi (About the Pink Sky) is attached to direct on a screenplay by Yosuke Masaike (Haken Anime!).Filming already took place from June to August this year.The site has also posted a super teaser visual inspired by the cover of the original manga’s third tankobon volume. The visual features the film’s two main cast members — the main heroine Isaku Senagaki played by Riko Fukumoto (Yuna Ichihara in Love Me, Love Me Not) and Kaya Uto played by Jesse (a member of the male idol group SixTones).
Super teaser visual
Manga volume 3 cover
The manga’s TV anime adaptation aired for 13 episodes from September to December 2023. Crunchyroll, which is streaming the anime series, describes the story:
Isaku just wants to live a normal life. But as the granddaughter of a yakuza boss, that’s a pretty tall order. For years, it’s been difficult for Isaku to make friends and find love. So, she decides to enroll in a high school far from her hometown in hopes of a fresh start. But her plans take an unexpected turn when a worried member of the yakuza, Keiya, enrolls in the same school to protect her.
A Girl & Her Guard Dog TV Anime Official Teaser
Source: “A Girl & Her Guard Dog” live-action film official website / X (formerly Twitter)
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