The official YouTube channel for voice actor Soma Saito has started streaming a music video for “Hiraeth,” another new song from his latest third full album “Fictions.” The11-song album also released in Japan today on September 25.”Hiraeth” is a Welsh word meaning ”a place that once existed but no longer does.” This song expresses feelings of nostalgia and sadness for a place that has been lost, but also the realization that it was not 100% good there.Tsugumi Matsunaga, known for her MV works for ClariS, Maaya Uchida, and Rikako Aida, served as the director of this music video. The story describes a youth that has passed by, focusing on a young man who thinks back to his school days, such as school and the train station he used to go, and Soma Saito, who is writing his story as if he were the young man. Saito himself commented, “Although I did not get the exact representation of ‘Hiraeth’ that I envisioned, the texture of the images and the storyline are both very nice and I like them very much.”
Soma Saito “Hiraeth” Music Video
“Fictions” All-Song Preview
“Fictions” regular edition CD jacket
Perfect limited production edition jacket
While playing many anime characters since 2010, such as Yoshikazu Miyano in Sasaki and Miyano and Wein in The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt, Saito made his solo singer debut from SACRA MUSIC as its first artist in June 2017, releasing three CD singles, four digital singles, two full albums, and three mini-albums.
Sources: SACRA MUSIC press release, Soma Saito official YouTube channel© SACRA MUSIC