The first live-action drama series in the Love Live! franchise, titled Love Live! School Idol Musical the DRAMA, will begin airing on MBS and other stations in Japan on November 21, 2024. As its title suggests, the drama series is based on School Idol Musical, the first musical series inspired by the franchise, not any of the anime series. The musical tells a completely new story that follows an original coming-of-age drama featuring ten girls from two different girls’ schools — Tsubakisakuhana Girls’ High School in Hyogo and Takizakura Girl’s Academy in Osaka. It performed in Tokyo and Osaka from December 2022 to January 2024. A new show is planned to be held at Nihon Seinenkan Hall in Tokyo in February 2025 and at Shinjuku Kabuki-za in Tokyo in April 2025.
The script for the drama will be written by Kouki Kishimoto, as in the musical, and directed by Keijiro Tsubakimoto and Hiroto Totsuka.The drama series’ ten main cast members have been announced, including some reprising their roles in the musical.
Rurika Tsubaki played by Miho Watanabe (ex-Hinatazaka46)
Anzu Takizawa played by Nanaka Tomita (≠ME)
Yuzuha Sumeragi played by Nanami Asai (ex-AKB48 / the musical cast)
Misuzu Wakatsuki played by Ayaka Yasumoto (Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku)
Yukino Hojo played by Julia An (Cho Tokimeki Sendenbu / the musical cast)
Toa Kurusu played by Yuna Nakamura (Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku)
Hikaru Amakusa played by Mizuki Yamauchi (AKB48)
Rena Suzuka played by Rina (CROWN POP, Nanie Jyoshihatsu Kumiai)
Maaya Mikasa played by Akari Yura (ex-STU48)
Sayaka Harukaze played by Airi Yamamoto (ex-Last Idol / the musical cast)
School Idol Musical First 10 Minutes
Source: “Love Live! School Idol Musical the DRAMA” official website / X (formerly Twitter)©”Love Live! School Idol Musical the DRAMA” Production Committee