Original anime film Fureru finally opens in Japan today on October 4. On its opening day, the film’s official website posted a new key visual featuring the three main characters—Aki, Ryo and Yuta—and a mysterious creature known as “Fureru.” The tagline reads: “We want to be together forever. So–“
Additionally, a short video message from the three main voice cast members—Ren Nagase (Aki Onoda), Ryota Bando (Ryo Sobue) and Kentaro Maeda (Yuta inohara)—is now streamed on the film’s official X (formerly Twitter). They say, “‘Fureru’ opens today! The latest work from the creator team of ‘Anohana,’ ‘Kokosake,’ and ‘Soraao.’ This is a story that touches the hearts of three young men who live with a mysterious creature called Fureru. What is the ability hidden in Fureru? What will happen to the friendship between the three young men? Please see it at the theater!”
Director Tatsuyuki Nagai, screenwriter Mari Okada and character designer Masayoshi Tanaka — who worked together on the “youth” trilogy that consists of Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day (2011, 2013), The Anthem of the Heart (2015), and Her Blue Sky (2019) — reunite to create this original anime feature film, Fureru. The story is about the friendship of three young men whose hearts are connected by the power of a mysterious creature called “Fureu.” Main cast members include:
Aki Onoda voiced by Ren Nagase
Ryo Sobue voiced by Ryota Bando
Yuta Inohara voiced by Kentaro Maeda
Juri Kamozawa voiced by Haruka Shiraishi
Nana Asakawa voiced by Manaka Iwami
Wakita voiced by Sarutoki Minagawa
Kohei Shimada voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda
Fureru 2nd Main Trailer
Sources: Fureru official website / X (formerly Twitter)