Birds of a feather flock together in a brand-new video released on the Rooster Fighter anime’s official accounts today, announcing the action-comedy series’ main cast trio that includes Kenta Miyake (All Might in My Hero Academia) as Keiji, Mariko Honda (Yuri in Tower of God) as Elizabeth and Shiori Izawa (Pochita in Chainsaw Man) as Piyoko.
Based on the manga by Shu Sakuratani, Daisuke Suzuki (D4DJ All Mix) directs Rooster Fighter at studio SANZIGEN, joined by Hiroshi Seko (WIND BREAKER) as series composer and Joseph Chou (Tower of God) as producer.
A release date is yet to be revealed, but it was previously confirmed that the anime will air on Adult Swim with “further streaming platforms will be announced across all territories soon.”
Viz Media publishes an official English version of the manga and describes the story:
The neighborhood cock of the walk is more than just an ordinary rooster—he’s humanity’s greatest defender! His opponents may be ten stories tall, but nothing is bigger than his stout heart and his fearsome battle cry—cock-a-doodle-doo!
Source: Comic Natalie, Official X (formerly Twitter)