While the Egghead Arc takes a break, the One Piece anime recently announced plans to pivot to a newly-edited take on the Fish-Man Island arc, complete with enhanced visuals and more. The first episode was set to kick off this Sunday, October 27, but those plans have changed thanks to the live broadcast of the MLB World Series.Following the postponement, the official One Piece channels announced the first episode of One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga is now scheduled to debut on November 3, 2024 in Japan.
Crunchyroll recently announced plans to stream One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga as it airs, describing it like so:
The Straw Hats reunite at Sabaody! The promised day has arrived. The Straw Hats have made it back to Sabaody Archipelago after two arduous years of separation. In the very same place where they once lost to Pacifista, the Straw Hats have proven themselves to be stronger and ready to begin their journey to the New World. With the Thousand Sunny now equipped to travel underwater, the next stop is the Fish-Man Island. “One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga” is a special edited version of the original arc from “One Piece”, in an abridged 21-episode story with an enhanced contemporary visual look.
Source: One Piece Staff on X (Formerly Twitter)