Promise of Wizard (known in Japan as “Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku”), an upcoming TV anime based on the smartphone game developed by coly, has published a new character trailer (below) focusing on the four magic-users of the Southern Country: Rutile, Figaro, Lennox and Mitile. The series will broadcast in Japan beginning in January 2025.
Naoyuki Tatsuwa directs the Promise of Wizard TV anime at animation studio Liden Films. Nanami Higuchi provides the series composition and the scripts, Nozomi Nagatomo provides the character designs and serves as chief animation director, Shuji Katayama (of Team-MAX) composes the music with Pony Canyon producing the music.
Promise of Wizard teaser art
The story of the Promise of Wizard anime follows Akira Masaki, an ordinary young woman from Earth who is summoned to a magical fantasy world to act as a wise-woman and train wizards from five different nations in order to fight against a yearly supernatural menace known as “The Great Calamity”, which takes the form of a gigantic moon.
Source: Official Promise of Wizard TV anime home page