KONOSUBA: Fantastic Days Mobile Game Sets End of Service Date

It's officially the beginning of the end for the KONOSUBA: Fantastic Days mobile game. After launching in Japan back in February 2020, followed by a global release in August 2021, the game will end service on January 30, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. Japan Time.According to the announcement, Sumzap will continue releasing updates to the main story, as well as other campaigns and events, until that date arrives.

It’s officially the beginning of the end for the KONOSUBA: Fantastic Days mobile game. After launching in Japan back in February 2020, followed by a global release in August 2021, the game will end service on January 30, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. Japan Time.According to the announcement, Sumzap will continue releasing updates to the main story, as well as other campaigns and events, until that date arrives. There’s also an offline version in the works. That offline version has yet to be mentioned for the English release, which will shut down on the same date. The English announcement cites “unavoidable circumstances” as the reason behind the shutdown, and sale of in-app purchases has already ceased. You can find more info on the schedule, as well as refund details, on the game’s Facebook page.

Here’s the official game description:

Based on the popular anime series “KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World!”, KonoSuba: Fantastic Days is a free-to-play character-collection RPG for iOS and Android. Featuring fan-favorite characters, including Kazuma Sato, Aqua, Megumin and Darkness, the game follows the storyline from the original novel and includes unique characters created exclusively for the game. Earlier this year, the Japanese release of KonoSuba: Fantastic Days has been met with positive response from players gaining a strong recognition and fan base.

You can catch the KONOSUBA -God’s blessing on this wonderful world! anime, including its movie and spinoff series, right here on Crunchyroll.Sources: Official Website, English Facebook Page, Anime News Network


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