Travis Japan Releases TASUKETSU -Fate of the Majority- Cour 2 Opening Song Anime Music Video, Performance Clip

The official YouTube channel for the seven-member Japanese idol group Travis Japan is now streaming a music video and performance clip for "Fly Higher," the opening theme for the second cour of the TASUKETSU -Fate of the Majority TV anime.One of the group's members, Noel Kawashma has also joined the anime as a voice actor. His character, Kai Kasai, appears in the music video which consists of scenes depicted in the anime story so far.

The official YouTube channel for the seven-member Japanese idol group Travis Japan is now streaming a music video and performance clip for “Fly Higher,” the opening theme for the second cour of the TASUKETSU -Fate of the Majority TV anime.One of the group’s members, Noel Kawashma has also joined the anime as a voice actor. His character, Kai Kasai, appears in the music video which consists of scenes depicted in the anime story so far. Meanwhile, the performance clip was filmed during the group’s “2nd Anniversary YouTube LIVE” held on October 28.

Travis Japan “Fly Higher” Anime Music Video

Travis Japan “Fly Higher” Performance Clip

“Fly Higher” released digitally first on October 21 and will also be included in Travis Japan’s upcoming second studio album “VIIsual” (pronounced “visual”) to be available in Japan on December 4.

Travis Japan Releases TASUKETSU -Fate of the Majority- Cour 2 Opening Song Anime Music Video, Performance Clip

“VIIsual” regular edition CD jacket

The TV anime adaptation of Taiga Miyakawa’s psychological suspense/battle action manga, TASUKETSU -Fate of the Majority-, premiered in Japan on July 2, 2024, and Crunchyroll is streaming the anime for members in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania and CIS.Crunchyroll describes the series as such:

What if your life hung in the balance of a twisted game? A self-proclaimed “Emperor” has gathered five young people through anonymous messages and asks, “Do you want to live?” But the game only has one rule: “Majority dies.” Saneatsu and Saaya, among the five trapped individuals, unite to defeat the Emperor and end the game once and for all.

Source: Travis Japan official YouTube channel 1, 2© Travis Japan. All rights reserved.


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