Toilet-bound Hanako-kun, an ongoing TV anime based on the supernatural manga of the same name, is returning to Japanese airwaves soon for a second season, and now a new trailer (below) and new information about the opening theme song for the series have been revealed.
The new season broadcasts in Japan beginning on January 12, 2025. Crunchyroll will also stream the second season as part of the Winter 2025 anime simulcast lineup.
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Season 2 Trailer
Similar to the first season, Masayoshi Oishi performs the opening theme song for Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Season 2. The new opening theme, entitled “L’oN” (pronounced “Lion”), is intended to evoke the title of the opening theme song for Season 1, “No.7”, with the number and letters turned upside-down.
Square Enix serializes the original Toilet-bound Hanako-kun manga by Aidairo in their Monthly GFantasy shonen manga magazine. Yen Press also publishes an English language version of the series. Yohei Fukui directs the second season of the TV anime at animation studio Lerche. Yasuhiro Nakanishi provides the series composition, Mayuka Itou provides the character designs and Hiroshi Takaki provides the music.
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Season 2 key art
Crunchyroll describes Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Season 2:
There’s a rumor going around about the Seven Wonders of Kamome Academy. Nene Yashiro and her classmate, Kou Minamoto, work with Hanako-san to expose a traitor among the ranks of the Seven Wonders. After breaking No. 2, the Misaki Stairs, and No. 5, the 4 O’clock Library, only five remain. Can they uncover the perpetrator before it’s too late?
Source: Comic Natalie