mono, an upcoming TV anime based on the four panel manga by Afro (Laid-Back Camp), has revealed a new piece of character art and a new character trailer, this time focusing on Sakurako Shikishima (voiced by Hikaru Tono). The series is scheduled to broadcast in Japan in 2025.
Houbunsha publishes the original mono manga in their Manga Time Kirara Carat seinen manga magazine. Yen Press also publishes an English language version of the series. Ryota Aikei directs the TV anime at animation studio Soigne. Yoko Yonaiyama provides the series composition, and Takuya Miyahara provides the character designs.
Yen Press describes mono:
The Photography Club is in danger of shutting down?! And the Cinema Club too?! Fret not, for they shall merge and become…Cinephoto Club! Now, club members Satsuki, An, and Sakurako are asked to be the main characters for manga artist Haruno’s latest work that’s centered around action cameras. The girls head out to capture the lovely sights of Japan, exploring gadgets around them, and of course, chomp on the local delicacies along the way!
Source: mono on X (formerly Twitter)