Previously announced back in January 2024, Expelled from Paradise: Resonance of the Heart, the sequel to the 2014 Expelled from Paradise original theatrical anime film, has revealed a new trailer and a new piece of key art (below). The film is scheduled to hit Japanese theaters in 2026.
Expelled from Paradise: Resonance of the Heart Trailer
The new film reunites the staff of the earlier film, with Seiji Mizushima directing a screenplay by Gen Urobuchi (of NITROPLUS) and Masatsugu Saito providing character designs. Kanetake Ebikawa, Junya Ishigaki and Takayuki Yanase provide mechanical designs, and NARASAKI provides the music. The cast for the new film has not yet been revealed.
Expelled from Paradise: Resonance of the Heart key art
Expelled from Paradise debuted in Japan in 2014. Aniplex of America held a total of 15 screenings across the US in December of the same year. The film follows Angela Balzac, an agent living in a virtual reality world aboard a space station, as she assumes an organic body to investigate a hacker on the now-barren planet Earth. With the help of a man named Dingo, she tracks down the mysterious “Frontier Setter,” while learning to appreciate life in an organic body.
Source: Anime! Anime!