Isekai comedy manga Uglymug, Epicfighter is being adapted into a newly announced TV anime with production by EGG FIRM and animation production by WHITE FOX, and voice actor Junichi Suwabe (Dandy in Space Dandy) will play the leading role of the hero, Shigeru Yoshioka.
An official website and social media feed have been published for the series along with a piece of teaser art (below). At the time of this reporting, no further details (such as the release date) have yet been revealed.
Uglymug, Epicfighter teaser art
Based on the original work by Ryo Hiromatsu (published by Kobunsha under their Light Books label), Square Enix publishes the Uglymug, Epicfighter manga adaptation written by Ryo Hiromatsu and illustrated by Osamu Kozuki in their Monthly Big Gangan manga magazine. Square Enix also publishes an English language version of the series on their Manga Up! platform, and describes the story as follows:
His looks are -255, touching girls causes him pain, and sexual acts will literally tear him apart. Just what can our ex-salesman Shigeru get in the other world in exchange for such inconveniences…? This is an epic tale of one very ugly, but ridiculously strong man!
Source: Official Uglymug, Epicfighter TV anime home page