The Star Wars: Visions animated anthology series brought a new hope to the storied franchise in 2021, before striking back with an international roster of creators in 2023. Next year, it’ll officially be the return of the Japanese anime studios for Volume 3, which’ll consist of nine shorts produced by both new and returning production houses:
David Production (Fire Force)
Kamikaze Doga+ ANIMA (SAND LAND)
Kinema Citrus (The Rising of the Shield Hero)
Polygon Pictures (Kaina of the Great Snow Sea)
Production I.G (Kaiju No.8)
Project Studio Q
TRIGGER (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners)
WIT Studio (Vivy -Fluorite Eye’s Song-)
Further details, such as short titles and a release date, were not confirmed at the time of reporting.
The first volume of Star Wars: Visions premiered on September 22, 2021, featuring shorts from Japanese anime studios Kamikaze Doga, Studio Colorido, TRIGGER, Kinema Citrus, Production I.G, Science SARU and Geno Studio.
The second volume premiered on May 4, 2023 and consisted of shorts produced by Cartoon Saloon (Ireland), PunkRobot Studio (Chile), Studio Mir (South Korea), Aardman Animations (UK), Triggerfish Animation Studios (South Africa), D’ART Shtajio (Japan), Studio La Cachette (France), 88 Pictures (India) and El Guiri Studios (Spain).
All are currently streaming exclusively on Disney+.
Source: Official Website