Delico’s Nursery, the ongoing TV anime based on the Gothic fantasy mixed media series, has published a new character trailer, this time focusing on Julas (voiced by Hikaru Midorikawa), a member of the criminal organization known as “Pendulum” who is searching for the progenitor vampire known as “TRUMP”. The series is currently broadcasting in Japan and streaming on Crunchyroll.
Delico’s Nursery Julas Character Trailer
Based on the TRUMP series of Gothic fantasy stage plays created by Kenichi Suemitsu, the Delico’s Nursery manga by Kenichi Suemitsu and Hamaguri was serialized in Kadokawa Shoten’s Young Ace seinen manga magazine from November 2020 – December 2023. Hiroshi Nishikiori directs the TV anime at animation studio J.C.Staff. Kenichi Suemitsu provides the series composition and scripts, Yoko Ito provides the character designs and serves as chief animation director, and Shunsuke Wada provides the music.
Delico’s Nursery key art
Crunchyroll describes Delico’s Nursery:
Hailing from a prestigious noble house, Dali Delico is an elite member of the Blood Pact Council, the highest governing body of the Vamps. Yet, Dali flatly refuses a mission the Vamps assign him. As Dali’s motives and possible connection to mysterious murders begin to mount, council members Gerhard, Dino, and Henrique visit him in hopes he’ll reconsider, but find him soothing an infant child!
Source: Aniplex Channel on YouTube