The official website for the upcoming live-action film adaptation of Yui Tamura’s Yano-kun no Futsu no Hibi (“Mr. Yano’s ordinary days”) manga has released new visuals featuring the protagonist Tsuyoshi Yano, played by Yusei Yagi, a member of Japanese dance and vocal group FANTASTICS.These four visuals were inspired by the tankobon cover illustrations of the original manga series drawn by Tamura. From the facial expressions to the posing, they are serious homages to Yano in the original manga.
Manga volume 1 cover
Manga volume 2 cover
Manga volume 4 cover
Manga volume 5 cover
The live-action film Yano-kun no Futsu no Hibi opened in 339 theaters across Japan on November 15, 2024, making its fifth-place debut.The original manga artist Yui Tamura posted her comments on the film’s website, “I felt so much love for all the characters that I laughed and cried many times during the screening. As it made the audience so happy, it has now become my favorite movie as both an author and an audience member. Thank you so much to the director and production team for recreating the peaceful and gentle world of the original work, and to the cast for bringing out the charms in the characters!” The film’s official website describes the story as follows:
Yoshida, the class chairperson who is a worrier, can’t help but worry about Yano, who comes to school every day covered in injuries for some reason. One day, Yoshida and her best friends investigated the reason and discovered that he was a very unlucky boy. Moreover, because of his ‘super unlucky constitution,’ Yano is unable to lead a ‘normal high school life.’ When Yoshida finds out about this, she decides to support him to the best of her ability. During the days spent Yano, Yoshida becomes more and more attracted to his pure and straightforward words, but she is unable to shorten the distance between them.Then, the most popular boy in school confesses his love for Yoshida… On the other hand, Yano is also touched by Yoshida’s kindness, and for the first time in his life, the feeling of ‘love’ begins to bud!
Main Trailer
Main poster visual
Sources: “Yano-kun no Futsu no Hibi” official website / X (formerly Twitter)© 2024 Movie “Yano-kun no Futsu no Hibi” Production Committee © Yui Tamura/KODANSHA