Rascal Does Not Dream of Santa Claus, the latest upcoming animated adaptation based on the popular light novel series, has published a new teaser trailer and teaser art (below). Additionally, the series has revealed that voice actor Reina Ueda will play the role of Miniskirt Santa, a new character who appears in the “University Arc”. The series will broadcast in Japan in 2025.
Rascal Does Not Dream of Santa Claus Teaser Trailer
The original Rascal Does Not Dream light novels are written by Hajime Kamoshida, illustrated by Keiji Mizoguchi, and published in Japan by ASCII Media Works under their Dengeki Bunko imprint. Yen Press also publishes an English language version. The series has previously been adapted into a 2018 TV anime as well as three theatrical anime films in 2019 and 2023, respectively.
Soichi Masui directs Rascal Does Not Dream of Santa Claus at animation studio CloverWorks. Masahiro Yokotani provides the series composition, Satomi Tamura provides the character designs, and fox capture plan provides the music.
Crunchyroll describes the 2019 Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai TV anime:
Puberty syndrome – Abnormal experiences rumored on the internet to be caused by sensitivity and instability during adolescence. This year, Sakuta Azusagawa, a second-year student at a high school near Enoshima, meets several girls that are experiencing this “puberty syndrome.” For instance, he meets a wild bunny girl in the library. She turns out to be an actress on hiatus, Mai Sakurajima, who is also his senior at the school. For some reason, no one else can see this enchanting girl. How did she become invisible…?
Source: Official Rascal Does Not Dream of Santa Claus TV anime home page