As the fourth installment of the Gintama On Theater project, two more compilation films of the Gintama anime franchise are confirmed to release theatrically in Japan in February 2025.The first film, based on the TV anime’s Shinsengumi Crisis Arc (Shinsengumi Douran-hen in Japan), is set to release on February 7, 2025, then the second film, based on the Kabukicho Four Devas Arc (Kabukicho Shitennou-hen) will follow on February 21, 2025.
Gintama On Theater is a project to release compilation films based on popular episodes from the Gintama TV anime series in Japanese theaters as part of the project to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the serialization of Hideaki Sorachi’s Gintama manga and the broadcast of its TV anime adaptation.Following the first compilation film based on the TV anime’s Thorny Arc (Baragaki-hen in Japan) in November 2023 and the second film based on the Courtesan of a Nation Arc (Ikkoku Keisei-hen) in June 2024, Gintama on Theater 2D Kintama-hen, the third compilation film based on the Kintama Arc, started a three-week limited theatrical run in Japan on November 22, 2024.
On Saturday, November 23, 2024, a stage greeting event for the movie was held at the Shinjuku Wald 9 theater. The anime’s three lead voice cast members — Tomokazu Sugita (Gintoki Sakata), Daisuke Sakaguchi (Shinpachi Shimura), and Rie Kugimiya (Kagura) took the stage at the event, which was connected to theaters nationwide via live viewing.At the end of the Kintama Arc screening, the two more compilation films’ theatrical screenings were announced. Sugita said, “These two films were screened for a one-day event 12 years ago in 2012, and we were on stage to greet the audience at the screening right here (Shinjuku Wald 9).” And Kugimiya revealed, “I actually like the Kabukicho Four Devas Arc the best in the series.”
Tomokazu Sugita
Daisuke Sakaguchi
Rie Kugimiya
20th anniversary project main visual
Source: Bandai Namco Pictures press release© Hideaki Sorachi / SHUEISHA, TV Tokyo, Dentsu, BNP, Aniplex