Following up on the broadcast on Adult Swim earlier this year, JUJUTSU KAISEN season 1 director Sunghoo Park’s Ninja Kamui anime made the leap to a side-scrolling action game on Nintendo Switch in May. A PlayStation 4 version launched on November 14, and now a date is in place for the PC release.Ninja Kamui: Shinobi Origins will launch on Steam on November 28, 2024. Developer G.rev’s action game will be priced at $19.99.The game has players taking on the role of Tsukumo as he attempts to thwart AUZA’s plot to massacre his old ninja allies. As publisher Rainmaker Productions puts it, Shinobi Origins lets you “dive into the mysterious ‘beginning’ untold in the original anime.”
Sunghoo Park directed the Ninja Kamui anime at E&H Production with character designs by Afro Samurai‘s Takashi Okazaki, music by R.O.N and produced by Sola Entertainment. The series has been described as such:
Ninja Kamui follows Joe Higan who is a Nukenin – a former ninja who escaped his clan and is hiding from his violent past in rural America with his family. One night, he is ambushed by a team of assassins from his former organization who exact a bloody retribution on Joe and his family for betraying their ancient code. Rising from his seeming “death,” Joe will re-emerge as his former self – Ninja Kamui – to avenge his family and friends. Kamui is a 21st century ninja, a shadowy anachronism who pits his ancient skills against high-tech weaponry with brutal finesse. He must face off against trained assassins, combat cyborgs, and rival ninjas to bring down the very clan that made him.
Source: Press Release