Back in July, Shinichiro Watanabe and Manglobe’s Samurai Champloo anime celebrated its 20th anniversary with a global Video Clash contest, which tasked fans with making their own music videos using footage and music from the anime. Now the results are in, with winners revealed for the overall awards and the shorts category.Those who won the Shorts category will receive a US$300 gift card and those who won the Music Video category will receive a US$1,000 cash prize. The Music Video category was split into two awards, with director Shinichiro Watanabe and his staff choosing the FlyingDog Award recipient. Popular vote determined the Community Award.Here’s who took the prizes home, including links to the winning videos:
Music Video Category
FlyingDog Award
Winner: suckafish80 (@suckafish80)
Song: sincerely / Tsutchie
suckafish80’s YouTube channel
Community Award
Winner: Skildfrix (@skildfrix)
Song: Hiizuru STYLE / FORCE OF NATURE featuring SUIKEN & S-WORD
Skildfrix’s YouTube channel
Shorts Category
Winner #1: moumi-note (@moumi-note)
Song: battlecry / Nujabes feat.Sing02
moumi-note’s YouTube channel
Winner #2: Meme (@memezaemon)
Song: battlecry / Nujabes feat.Sing02
Meme’s YouTube channel
You can catch the full Samurai Champloo anime on Crunchyroll, which describes the series like so:
Mugen is a ferocious, animalistic warrior with a fighting style inspired by break-dancing. Jin is a ronin samurai who wanders the countryside alone. They may not be friends, but their paths continually cross. And when ditzy waitress Fuu gets them out of hot water with the local magistrate, they agree to join her search for the samurai who smells like sunflowers.
Source: Press Release