Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai, an ongoing horror anime with a “paper theater” aesthetic that focuses on uncanny urban legends, is continuing with a fourteenth season that will broadcast in Japan on TV Tokyo beginning on January 4, 2025.
Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai began broadcasting in July of 2013. The new season concentrates on the concept of “greed”, and new key art (below) has been published for the series. Crunchyroll currently streams the previous thirteen seasons of the series.
Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai Season 14 key art
Akira Funada directs Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai at animation studio ILCA. The series features the voice talents of Kanji Tsuda, Yutaka Shimizu, Ponz, Takaya Yamaguchi, Yuta Hoshino, Seiyuu Yoshida, Tomoko Oishi, Ruri Shiraishi, You Koizomi (of Amemoyou no Solaris), Riko Momonoi (of Sayonara Stay Tuned), Momoko Miyashiro and others.
Crunchyroll describes Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai:
Each week at dusk, a man in a yellow mask arrives at a nearby playground. Gather at his feet to listen and learn from the mysterious storyteller. He recounts tales of horror to his captive audience, each story darker and more sinister than the last. Drawing from traditional paper dramas, the stories weave myths, urban legends, and rumors from Japan’s long history of haunting tales.
Source: Comic Natalie