Duel Masters LOST, the latest animated installment in the long-running Duel Masters card-battle series, commences a new story arc entitled “Gekka no Shinigami” (“Reaper in the Moonlight”) beginning on December 21, 2024 on the official Duel Masters YouTube channel. Now a new piece of key art (below) has been revealed for the new arc.
Based on the original manga written by Shigenobu Matsumoto and illustrated by Yoh Kanebayashi, Toshinori Fukushima directs the Duel Masters LOST anime adaptation at animation studio J.C.STAFF. Yoichi Kato provides the series composition, Chikara Hashizume provides the animation character designs, and Takeshi Takadera provides the sound direction.
Duel Masters LOST is an alternative take on the 2022 Duel Masters WIN anime series that explores what would have happened if the protagonist, Win Kirifuda, had been defeated and lost his memories in the process. Set in Shinjuku against the backdrop of a series of mysterious disappearances, Win’s stagnant daily life begins to change with the arrival of a mysterious new transfer student named Crysta…
Source: Duel Masters LOST on X (formerly Twitter)