Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online II, the ongoing light novel adaptation set in the same world as Sword Art Online, has published a creditless version of its new ending theme animation sequence. The video (below) features the song “Overclock” starring LLENN (voiced by Tomori Kusunoki). The series is currently broadcasting in Japan and streaming on Crunchyroll.
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online II “Overclock” Ending Video
The original Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online light novels are written by Keiichi Sigsawa, illustrated by Kouhaku Kuroboshi, and published in Japan by ASCII Media Works under their Dengeki Bunko imprint. Yen Press also publishes an English language version. Masayuki Sakoi directs the TV anime at animation studio A-1 Pictures. Yosuke Kuroda provides the series composition and scripts, Yoshio Kozakai provides the chief animation direction and character designs, and DAITA / Daisuke Shinoda provides the music.
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online II key art
Crunchyroll describes Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online:
In the world of guns and steel that is Gun Gale Online, LLENN has been a devoted, female solo player. She is obsessed with two things: donning herself entirely in pink and honing her skills with consistent game play. She soon discovers her love for hunting other players (a.k.a. PK), soon to be known as the “Pink Devil.”
Meanwhile, LLENN meets a beautiful yet mysterious player, Pitohui, and the two click right away. Doing as she is told by Pitohui, she enters the Squad Jam group battle.
Source: Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online on X (formerly Twitter)