On December 3, her 30th birthday, voice actor Yu Serizawa released a music video for her new song “Kokuhaku” (“Confession”) on the official YouTube channel for voice actor idol group i☆Ris. She is a founding member of the group since its launch in 2012.“Kokuhaku” was included in her fifth solo CD single “ROCK ME KISS ME feat. MOTSU” (TV anime MF GHOST season 2 opening theme) as a coupling song. The lyrics, written by Serizawa herself, reflect her own life-sized feelings about not being able to see her fans as she used to during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Yu Serizawa “Kokuhaku” Music Video
After posting the video, she wrote on her official X (formerly Twitter): “Happy Birthday to me! I turned 30 years old! I would like to continue to live prettily with love! Everyone’s comments on the ‘Kokuhaku’ music video are too cute, I’m starting my 30s with happiness!”
She also said in a video short, “Happy birthday to me! Serizawa Yu-chan turns 30! Please give me lots of love because I will continue to be your idol and still be as cute as ever even after I turn 30. Love me! Congratulations me! Thank you earth!”
Yu Serizawa “ROCK ME KISS ME feat. MOTSU” Music Video
CD+DVD edition
CD-only edition
Sources: i☆Ris official YouTube channel, Yu Serizawa official X (formerly Twitter)©2024 avex