Honey Lemon Soda, an upcoming TV anime based on the shojo romance manga, has unveiled a new trailer, a new piece of key art (below) and the opening and ending theme song performers. The series will broadcast in Japan on Fuji TV and other stations beginning on January 8, 2025. Crunchyroll will also stream the series as part of the winter 2025 anime simulcast season.
Honey Lemon Soda New Trailer
&TEAM perform the opening and ending theme songs—”Magic Hour” and “Wonderful World,” respectively—for the series.Shueisha has serialized the original Honey Lemon Soda manga by Mayu Murata in their Ribon shojo manga magazine since December 2015. Yen Press also publishes an English language version of the series. Hiroshi Nishikiori directs the TV anime at animation studio J.C. Staff. Akiko Waba provides the series composition, Aimi Tanaka provides the character designs and Akira Kosemura provides the music.
Honey Lemon Soda key art
Crunchyroll describes Honey Lemon Soda:
In middle school, Uka Ishimori was nicknamed “Stone.”
In order to change herself, she enrolled in Hachimitsu High School, known for its culture of student liberty. Seated in at the desk next to her in the same class is Kai Miura, a coolly freewheeling boy with lemon-colored hair. In truth, Uka met Kai once in middle school, and decided to attend Hachimitsu based on a single word he said to her.To Uka, the popular Kai is a distant presence.
Yet somehow, Kai starts to look after Uka. With Kai encouraging her, Uka gradually begins to fit in with her classmates…
But…Uka’s world is gradually changing with Kai’s presence. —
Now, I am in the center of the endlessly spreading light.
Source: Official Honey Lemon Soda TV anime home page