Following the act of last year’s Detective Conan anime film, The Million-Dollar Pentagram, the next entry has been titled and dated. Detective Conan: Sekigan no Flashback (One-Eyed Flashback) is set to open in Japanese cinemas on April 18, 2025.As usual, the reveal came along with a visual featuring the illustrative work of Detective Conan author Gosho Aoyama.
Katsuya Shigehara (unit director on Detective Conan: Kurogane no Submarine) directs, with Takeharu Sakurai (Kurogane no Submarine, The Scarlet Bullet and more Conan movies) on the script. More information will be revealed on December 5, but for now we know this one is set in the snowy mountains of Nagano. Kogoro Mori is featured prominently on the visual along with one-eyed inspector Yamato, with the title implying that we might learn more about the circumstances surrounding his condition. Back in May, Detective Conan: The Million-Dollar Pentagram passed 12 billion yen, climbing up to the 31st highest-grossing film of all time in Japan. Sources: Official X (formerly Twitter), Comic Natalie