The official YouTube channel for Japanese brewers and distilling company Suntory has started streaming a new anime commercial for its gin brand “SUI.”The protagonist character in the commercial titled “SUI to Utaeba” (“Singing with SUI”) was designed by manga artist Tsubasa Yamaguchi, best known for her Blue Period manga series. Meanwhile, suis, the vocalist of Japanese pop unit Yorushika, provided a newly arranged version of “Haru” (“Sunny”), Yorushika’s 2024 digital single song which was featured as the opening theme for the second cour of the TV anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End.The video was directed by Yutaro Kubo, who also worked on the music video for Yorushika’s 2023 digital single song “Shayo.” The protagonist takes a sip of Suntory Gin “SUI” and the video depicts how the living room where she spends her daily life is transformed into a meadow with dancing water bubbles.
Key visual
Character reference sketches by Tsubasa Yamaguchi
“Haru” x Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Collab Music Video
Source: Suntory official YouTube channel, Press Release