As the long-running One Piece anime takes a well-earned breather, it was revealed today that a beloved member of the Straw Hat crew won’t be returning when the voyage continues in April 2025. Kazuki Yao (65), the voice of Franky since his debut in 2005, is retiring from the role and will be a part of a graduation ceremony at Jump Festa 2025 on December 22, where his replacement will also be announced.
Yao also voiced Jango, Mr. 2 Bon Clay and Mounblutain in the anime.
Yao shared the following message to his X (formerly Twitter) account (translated):
The time has come for me to say a tearful farewell to a guy I’ve spent nearly a quarter of a century with. It’s like an out-of-body experience, but I feel a gap has formed between me and my ideal Franky, so I’ve decided to disembark Sunny for now. It’s frustrating! It’s sad!! I can only apologize… however! We’re preparing for a suuuuppeeerr successor to be revealed at Jump Festa on December 22. Look forward to it~♬
Crunchyroll simulcasts the One Piece anime in multiple languages, including the currently releasing One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga, describing the overall adventure like so:
Embark on a voyage of a lifetime with One Piece. The epic anime series created by renowned mangaka Eiichiro Oda is a global phenomenon, captivating the hearts of fans across generations throughout its 25-year span. This thrilling high seas adventure is filled with unwavering friendship, epic battles for freedom, and the relentless pursuit of dreams. Join Monkey D. Luffy and his lovable pirate crew as they discover the true meaning of power and justice in this great pirate era.
Source: Official X (formerly Twitter)