A new trailer for the Nyaight of the Living Cat anime made its world premiere during CCXP today, bringing news about the main staff alongside the release. Film director Takashi Miike (Ichi the Killer, Dead or Alive, Blade of the Immortal) serves as executive director, with Tomohiro Kamitani (MIX MEISEI STORY Season 2) directing at anime studio OLM. Koji Endo provides the music, Marty Friedman is on guitar and Heidi Shepherd of Butcher Babies is credited with the “Death Voice.” The nyandemic is coming in 2025 — with Crunchyroll to stream in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East and CIS — and you can see the latest preview below.
Nyaight of the Living Cat Trailer
The original Nyaight of the Living Cat manga written by Hawkman and illustrated by Mecha-Roots is serialized in Monthly Comic Garden since October 2020 with five volumes currently released in Japan. Seven Seas Entertainment releases the English edition of the manga. Crunchyroll describes the anime series as such:
Run! The Adorable Cats Are HereIn 20XX, the world is dominated by cats.A virus which turns anyone who touches a cat into a cat has spread into a worldwide nyandemic.Cats rub against people, turning them into cats.Can humanity fight their urge to pet cats to survive in this cat-ridden world?The momentously catful comic is getting a TV anime in 2025!
Source: Crunchyroll CCXP Industry Panel