The Crunchyroll Anime Awards will return to Japan once more as the ninth annual event is scheduled to open in Tokyo at the Grand Prince Hotel Shin Takanawa on May 25, 2025, accompanied by an official livestream. Announced during Crunchyroll’s industry panel at CCXP, the event will also update its eligibility period for qualified anime to include those released between October 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024, encompassing of five anime seasons. Future award nomination eligibility will extend from January 1 to December 31.Fan voting will begin on April 3, 2025 after the judge nomination process for each of the 32 categories, with the full list available on the Anime Awards’ official website. New categories for the 2025 awards include Best Isekai, Best Background Art and Best Hindi Voice Artist.
Sally Amaki and Jon Kabira will return once again to co-host the event, with Sony Group Corporation Chairman and CEO Kenichiro Yoshida to give opening remarks. Pabllo Vittar, a Brazilian drag pop icon and musician, will also join as a celebrity presenter. Future presenters and musical performers will be announced at a later date.Stay tuned for future updates on the upcoming Anime Awards 2025 when you can cast your vote for your favorite series!